PIPLA - Personal Injury Plaintiff Lawyers Association

The Personal Injury Plaintiff Lawyers Association (PIPLA) was formed in 2020 as a non-profit organisation to represent the interests of attorneys, advocates and medical experts, other experts and any persons who represent or assist people who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents in South Africa. Its members would largely be involved in work involving claims lodged with the Road Accident Fund and it aims to represent them, to encourage and promote ethical conduct by all who work in the field and to make legislative suggestions with regard to the legislative and administrative framework in terms of which those RAF claims are administered.

Our latest newsletters

Important! The new directive. We require important information from our members


PIPLA is in the process of drafting submissions regarding the new directive. We require important information from our members.

The Judge President advised that 85% of matters settle by way of offer and acceptance on the day of trial. We do not .....

Interview Newzroom Afrika


Please see the link below of Adv Erasmus having a discussion on Newzroom Afrika regarding the new directive. [.....] Kind .....



The draft practice directive introducing mandatory mediation was shared on Thursday and we must comment by 03 March 2025. We strongly encourage our members to thoroughly review the proposed directive alongside this newsletter. If implemented, the directive .....

SCA Judgment of Interest


Please see the below link to a recent SCA judgment which we believe will be of interest to our members. Thank you to Nicolette de Witt who has prepared a helpful summary of the judgment. Kind Regards, Adv J Erasmus Newnet Properties SCA judgement .....

PIPLA’s comments on the RAF’s paper


PIPLA has submitted a lengthy comment, running to approximately 2,500 words, by our chairperson, Advocate Justin Erasmus, on the proposed standard formula for the calculation of loss of earnings, losses or general damages by the RAF. Our submission makes .....

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